GSoC 2016 "Project : Weighting Scheme" Intro

James Aylett james-xapian at
Mon Mar 7 15:49:30 GMT 2016

On Mon, Mar 07, 2016 at 10:30:39AM +0000, Nishad Dawkhar wrote:

> The idea that most interested me is "Project: Weighting Schemes", which is
> concerned with adding support for more Weighting Schemes to Xapian. As
> mentioned on, I have successfuly
> checked out and built the code on my system. Since the past few days I have
> been trying to get familiar with the code by reading the available
> documentation.

Hi Nishad -- welcome to Xapian! If you find any of the documentation
is confusing or missing pieces (and there are definitely gaps), please
do point them out so we can put them on a list, and try to get them
fixed. (If you want to suggest improvements directly, then that's
great too, but don't worry if you just spot something wrong or
confusing and don't know what needs to change.)

I think you've discussed with Olly on IRC about adding more
normalizations to our TF/IDF support, so I won't respond to that part
of your email.


  James Aylett, occasional trouble-maker

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