GSoC 2016.Weightning formula

Рудольф Лайко layko520252 at
Sat Mar 12 01:31:51 GMT 2016


My name is Rudolph Layko. I am pursuing my bachelor`s degree (2nd year) in
Applied Mathematics at National Research University - Higher School of
Economics (Moscow, Russia).

I would like to express my fascination by opportunity to contribute for
Xapian. Especially, I am really interested in solving of issue concerning
defining weighting formula. Furthermore, It would be really great to
interact with professional team on opensource project.

According to this, I want to ask if there is anything that I can start to
working on right away in order to get more acquainted with problems, or
maybe you could provide me with some relevant information for the further
work, except already linked in project description. I have a strong
background in C++ and OOP, linear algebra, due to 1st year term-paper in
numerical methods. I am also experiienced in machine learning techniques
and data analysis libraries such as NumPy, Scipy, Pandas, SciKit. I hope
this and some other technologies that I worked with will help me to tackle
the issues.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Best regards,
Rudolph Layko
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