Regarding GSoC 2016 project idea

Ainish Dave ainishdave at
Tue Mar 22 05:42:12 GMT 2016


If I take up the task of 'clustering the search results' and I am opting
for the new method to cluster the results, then what will be the
approximate amount of data that will be clustered? So appropriate
clustering mechanism can be thought of according to that.

Thanks & regards,

On Sat, Mar 19, 2016 at 5:37 PM, James Aylett <james-xapian at>

> On Sat, Mar 19, 2016 at 11:49:14AM +0530, Ainish Dave wrote:
> > I am Ainish Dave from Ahmedabad, India. I am currently pursuing my
> masters
> > level degree with background in computer science. I browsed through the
> > list of organizations on the GSoC program page and Xapian was the one
> which
> > closely matched with my interest and background. I had some queries:
> Hi, Ainish -- welcome to Xapian!
> > 1) I am interested in the project 'Clustering of Search Results'. I have
> > followed the guideline and built the system from Git and now currently
> > exploring the code for this particular module. I have a fair idea of c++
> > and can manage to work with that. I also have prior experience with
> > clustering, 'topical clustering of tweets using Twitter data' to be
> > precise. So, what other material shall I refer to get hands on this
> > topic/project to move ahead?
> It's worth looking at the previous clustering code, but really the
> next thing is for you to use your experience of clustering to propose
> an approach to doing this.
> > 2) Since the application period is started, am I a bit late to join the
> > procedure or is it okay to start off now?
> Absolutely fine to start now -- you still have a week (until Friday)
> to get your application finished.
> > 3) I am waiting for my proof of enrollment to come by Monday and then I
> can
> > apply. So is it fine to apply in next week? Primary reason for asking
> this
> > is that some organizations have strict norms of not considering the
> > applications arriving in second week.
> I'd start creating your proposal now, so we can give you feedback on
> it. You can create an application in the GSoC system before your proof
> of enrolment is processed (at least, as I understand things).
> J
> --
>   James Aylett, occasional trouble-maker
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