[Xapian-discuss] Python or PHP hangs when loading a cygwin Xapian module

Patrick Mézard pmezard at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 16:45:15 GMT 2006


Thomas Deniau wrote:
> I then tried to use the Python bindings (maybe I could have re-programmed my
> client web site using Python...).
> The Python bindings compile just fine using the same tricks I used for PHP
> (copying python24.dll to libpython24.dll, compile the Windows sources with
> Cygwin to get the necessary header files, etc.). The test made by make then
> fails, but you get a working DLL file that you can copy to Python24\DLLs.
> However, when I try to load the Python module, Python just... hangs. Just like
> PHP.
> I also tried the instructions put forth by Patrick Mezard at
> http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.search.xapian.general/2071 (generate a
> libpython24.a by hand), but the exact same problem occurs.
> I tried to run a dependency check on the DLLs and I found out that they require
> a file named "apphelp.dll" which couldn't be found. Google reports that that's
> a DLL required by IE6, but that only WinXP has it, not Win2K (and IE still
> works fine, but any other apps have problems loading the DLLs). Since Patrick
> seems not to have had any such problems, and since he is running WinXP, I'm
> wondering if I'm doing something wrong or if I fail because I'm using Win2K.
I just checked the dependencies of both DLLs:
- cygxapian-8.dll depends on kernel32.dll and msvcrt.dll only.
- _xapian.pyd depends on many many DLLs, including apphelp.dll which is 
available in %SYSTEM_ROOT%\system32. It also depends on msjava.dll which 
cannot be found in my system.

apphelp.dll is needed through :
python24.dll <= advapi32.dll <= secur32.dll <= netapi32.dll <= 
dnsapi.dll <= iphlpapi.dll <= mprapi.dll <= setupapi.dll <= apphelp.dll.
There are probably other dependency paths. Since you built everything 
from Win2k stuff or directly from sources, it is strange an undeployed 
DLL is required by the final binaries.

Patrick Mézard

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