[Xapian-discuss] Optimization and Load balancing with Xapian

David Levy dvid.levy at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 13:36:42 GMT 2006

Ok for the directory :)

Here are some results :

(time /usr/local/lib/omega/bin/omega DB=products P=xxxxxxx SORT=3)

test paris
real    0m5.130s
user    0m0.035s
sys     0m0.039s

paris france
real    0m19.902s
user    0m0.049s
sys     0m0.116s

new york
real    4m10.437s
user    0m0.459s
sys     0m1.601s


that's crazy :)

maybe because today i don't hae many available RAM (i use most of my RAM to
test RAMDISK for xapian on this server)

what should i see with this figures ?


On 2/24/06, Olly Betts <olly at survex.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2006 at 02:35:46PM +0200, David Levy wrote:
> > Yes, I always use Omega PHP5 bindings were not available.
> > Do you think it would be faster with 0.9.3 + php5 bindings ??
> I'd be suprised if it was.
> > Thanks for the command, but I can't make it work. In which directory
> should
> > I execute it ?
> > Here is the error :
> >
> > $ time /usr/local/lib/omega/bin/omega DB=products P='test query' SORT=1
> > Content-Type: text/html
> >
> > Exception: Couldn't read format template `query' (No such file or
> directory)
> Where is your omega.conf file?  Where are the omegascript templates?
> Cheers,
>     Olly

David LEVY {selenium}
Website ~ http://www.davidlevy.org
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Blog ~ http://selenium.blogspot.com
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