[Xapian-discuss] Is there a secondary sorting possible for relevance-sorts?

Arjen van der Meijden acmmailing at tweakers.net
Mon Nov 13 16:30:30 GMT 2006

Olly Betts wrote:
> The later is cheaper, but sorts by the document id for documents with
> equal relevance, which is will generally favour newer discussions over
> older ones because older ones will have been indexed before newer ones.
> But it's problematic if a full reindex is done and documents added in
> arbitrary order.

Both will work, a reindex will be either in document order or in 
last-update order, so that should work. Although those two are of course 
  not identical. We could also switch to using the discussion's id as 
document id for xapian.

> You can't currently access either from Omega, but that probably should
> be fixed.

Did you already plan on fixing those? If not, how much work would it be 
(for you)?

Best regards,


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