[Xapian-discuss] TermGenerator and SimpleStopper

Tom Mortimer tom at lemurconsulting.com
Thu Jun 28 11:34:06 BST 2007


I'm using SimpleStopper with TermGenerator in a Python indexing  
script, in an attempt to keep my index size down (currently 30K per  
doc, and I have 200 million docs to index, which I think implies  
6TB.)  However, unprefixed (positional?) terms are not affected by  
the stopper, though Z-prefixed terms are.

I assume this is intentional for phrase queries, but I need to reduce  
my index size drastically. Is it possible to generate positional  
terms, filtered with a stoplist, and not generate the Z terms?  Or  
should I just write my own term generator?


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