[Xapian-discuss] Building 0.9.10 with MSVC++ 2005 Express Edition

Michael Sanders m.r.sanders at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 12:58:10 GMT 2007

Michael Sanders wrote:
> Yes, that fixed it thanks!
> Now, on to the Python bindings and Omega...
> Cheers,
> Michael

Unfortunately I've also run in to problems with these:

Python bindings
cl   /I.. /I..\include /I..\common /W3 /EHsc /O2 /MD /c /D "NDEBUG"  /D 
"WIN32" /D "__WIN32__" /D "_WINDOWS"  /D "HAVE_VSNPRINTF" /D 
/I "..\..\xapian-core-0.9.10" /I "..\..\xapian-core-0.9.10\include"  /I 
"c:\Python25\include" /I"."  /Fo".\\" /Tp "modern\xapian_wrap.cc"

modern\xapian_wrap.cc(3709) : warning C4101: 'e' : unreferenced local 
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(3711) : warning C4101: 'e' : unreferenced local 
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(4963) : error C2039: 'version_string' : is not a 
member of 'Xapian'
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(4963) : error C3861: 'version_string': identifier 
not found
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(4976) : error C2039: 'major_version' : is not a 
member of 'Xapian'
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(4976) : error C3861: 'major_version': identifier 
not found
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(4989) : error C2039: 'minor_version' : is not a 
member of 'Xapian'
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(4989) : error C3861: 'minor_version': identifier 
not found
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(5002) : error C2039: 'revision' : is not a member 
of 'Xapian'
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(5002) : error C3861: 'revision': identifier not found
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(5015) : error C2039: 'xapian_version_string' : is 
not a member of 'Xapian'
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(5015) : error C3861: 'xapian_version_string': 
identifier not found
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(5028) : error C2039: 'xapian_major_version' : is 
not a member of 'Xapian'
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(5028) : error C3861: 'xapian_major_version': 
identifier not found
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(5041) : error C2039: 'xapian_minor_version' : is 
not a member of 'Xapian'
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(5041) : error C3861: 'xapian_minor_version': 
identifier not found
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(5054) : error C2039: 'xapian_revision' : is not a 
member of 'Xapian'
modern\xapian_wrap.cc(5054) : error C3861: 'xapian_revision': identifier 
not found
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl.exe' : return code '0x2'

The win32.mak file for Omega attempts to compile various files such as 
'utf8convert.cc' which are in the SVN HEAD but do not appear in 0.9.10. 
I guess it hasn't been modified to deal with 0.9.10?


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