[Xapian-discuss] TermIterator in python bindings causes segfault

Carsten Reimer carsten.reimer at galileo-press.de
Mon Oct 29 16:21:44 GMT 2007


I am using the Python (python 2.4.4 on Debian Etch) bindings of the 
current stable Version of xapian (self-compiled). What I was trying to 
achieve is to get all the terms that matched in a particular document of 
an MSet. I do this as follows:

Take one MSet-item

Get the docid of the document that belongs to that MSet-item

call get_matching_terms_begin(docid) on the underlying Enquire-instance 
to get a TermIterator

Iterate over that TermIterator using the next() method and get each term 
by calling the get_term() method.

The outcome is a segmentation fault as soon as the last term was read.

I tried to figure out how to determine the number of terms in the 
TermIterator I got by get_matching_terms_begin(docid) but I did not find 
any way to do this. If I had that number I could easily stop the 
iterator after the last term has been read.

Or is there any other way to stop the TermIterator from reading beyond 
his last item?

Remember: I use the Python Bindings. (the effect is also valid for the 
Debian package).

Every hint is warmly welcome.

Thanks in advance

with best regards

Carsten Reimer

Carsten Reimer
carsten.reimer at galileo-press.de
Tel. +49.228.42150.73

Galileo Press GmbH
Rheinwerkallee 4 - 53227 Bonn - Germany
Tel. +49.228.42150.0 (Zentrale) .77 (Fax)

Geschäftsführer: Tomas Wehren, Ralf Kaulisch, Rainer Kaltenecker
HRB 8363 Amtsgericht Bonn

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