[Xapian-discuss] I can't get prefixes to work

Jim jim at fayettedigital.com
Wed Oct 31 00:35:11 GMT 2007

Xapian, omega and scriptindex version 1.0.3 from HEAD about a week ago.

This is from omega FMT=godmode. 
1 XRULERule_237 

This is the code.
    my $query = "rule:Rule_237";
    my $qp = new Search::Xapian::QueryParser();
    $qp->set_stemmer(new Search::Xapian::Stem("english"));
    my $par = $qp->parse_query($query);
    my $enq = $db->enquire( $par );
    print LOG "Running query ". $enq->get_query()->get_description()."\n";;

I return no hits and the log reads:

Running query Xapian::Query(XRULE:Rule_237)

If I run a normal query for a word, it works as expected.  This holds 
true for lots of examples of rule:, not just this one.

I then used add_prefix and got closer:

Running query Xapian::Query(XRULErule_237:(pos=1))

So I tried
    my $query = "rule:rule_237";

Running query Xapian::Query(ZXRULErule_237:(pos=1))

It was indexed with:

rule : field boolean=XRULE

So what did I do wrong?


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