Phone protection underground

Graham Mullan graham.mullan at
Wed Aug 4 13:36:22 BST 2021

Bezos' evil empire flog IP68 cases for most phones, including Samsung Note. I haven't tried one with a stylus, but the Lady Wife uses on with her Samsumg S20 to take photos with no problem. She does carry the cased phone in a small peli type box as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cave-Surveying <cave-surveying-bounces at> On Behalf Of Wookey
Sent: 04 August 2021 14:23
To: cave-surveying at
Subject: Phone protection underground

I'm considering attempting some topodroid+SAP5 surveying next week and have one of these new-fangled mobile phone things.

What do people use for protection taking them underground and in-use for surveying?

It seems like a generic flexible waterproof bag is best for housing the phone in use but then presumably you need a peli case or similar to carry it around in too (unless your caves are fairly benign)?

On the stylus issue I have seen the suggestion of using a separate wireless mouse (or get a note+stylus as they have different touchscreen tech to everyone else). I have no idea how it's practical to look at the phone and use a wireless mouse-in-a-bag at the same time. Has anyone tried this?

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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