[Snowball-discuss] So which source tree is the right one?

Richard Boulton richard@tartarus.org
Thu Jun 5 15:27:01 2003

On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 02:16, Dmitry Serebrennikov wrote:
> I just checked out the CVS tree but then realized that there are 
> actually two source trees to choose from...
> Judging by the fact that latest changes were made to the snowball module 
> in CVS rather then the website one, I guess this is where the best stuff 
> is found. But since it seems that the tree is being actively moved and 
> established, maybe it's not yet ready? It certainly looks much nicer! :)

Absolutely correct.  For now, you should probably use the code from

I'm setting up the "snowball" module to contain the source files for the
compiler and algorithms, a straightforward build system, and a standard
interface for the stemming algorithms.  However, I havn't yet finished
the work (and have been putting in about 1 afternoon per month, so it's
not going too quickly).

Martin is still developing in the "website" module, so the very latest
versions of the algorithms are likely to be found there - though
currently I believe that those in "snowball" are exactly consistent.

Once I'm happy with the structure in "snowball", the plan is to check it
with Martin, and assuming he approves to make it the standard.

> Also, from the looks of it, I may be able to help here and there with 
> the new tree. I already added a language flag to the sample program so 
> it does not require recompilation and now I am finding that I'd like to 
> make a few changes to the make file to make it build the Java stemmers...

I'm interested in patches - feel free to send them directly to me.
(Note - this only applies to patches for the "snowball" module.  Any
patches to the algorithms or the website should be sent to this list, as

> I guess I am looking to find out what's hapenning with the tree and what 
> the plans are, so that I can get production-ready code for my use and 
> also steer my own efforts in a way the would be helpful to you'all.

Hope the above helps.
