[Snowball-discuss] Java implementation of the Portuguese stemming algorithm

Martin Porter martin at porterloo.wanadoo.co.uk
Thu Oct 30 08:47:47 GMT 2008


I would really like to put your stemmer up on the page,


if that is acceptable to you. We could merely provide a link, but links have
a tendency to get broken. I suggest you put a reference to
http://code.google.com/p/ptstemmer in the comments at the top of the code
(or somewhere), and send it for inclusion on the snowball site.

Many thanks,


At 19:23 29/10/2008 +0000, Pedro Oliveira wrote:
>Greetings Dr.Porter,
>I am a MSc Student in Informatics Engineering at the University of 
>Coimbra in Portugal, and during a scholar project I've made a Java 
>implementation of your Portuguese stemming algorithm.
>This implementation is freely available as a Java package on Google Code 
>(http://code.google.com/p/ptstemmer/). I've tested it with the datasets 
>provided in the snowball page 
>(http://snowball.tartarus.org/algorithms/portuguese/stemmer.html) and 
>the results were equal to those provided.
>Since there is no other Java implementation of the Portuguese stemming 
>algorithm, I was wondering if it is possible to provide a link to my 
>implementation in the Portuguese algorithm page. If that is not 
>possible, I can provide the source code of my implementation, and the 
>Dr. can upload it to your website.
>Best Regards,
>Pedro Oliveira

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