[Snowball-discuss] Fix common typo in Spanish

Damian Janowski damian.janowski at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 14:24:56 GMT 2012

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 11:08 AM, Damian Janowski
<damian.janowski at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll definitely investigate if there are more of these. The ending
> '-ación' is equivalent to the English '-ation', so it's quite
> important and I've already seen too many misspellings of these. But
> again, I agree it's wiser to group a batch of changes before applying.


I finally found some time to investigate Snowball a little bit more
and thanks to Olly I was able to find `make check`.

I'll start aggregating my proposed patches in raw diff files here:

Feel free to comment either here or on the gist itself.

Another occurrence I wanted to fix is the lesser common 'graf{i'}a',
which happens on 'fotografía', 'caligrafía', and is usually
misspelled. I'm quite new to IR in general and I don't know what the
approach should be. Should I start collecting these and fix one by
one? Should there be a more aggressive approach, maybe creating a
separate algorithm, ignoring all accents?

Thanks again.

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