[Snowball-discuss] Fix common typo in Spanish

Martin Porter martin.f.porter at gmail.com
Sun Dec 16 16:50:46 GMT 2012


Thank you for continuing your work. The snowball project is alive, but
less active than it used to be. Richard Boulton is (I believe!) busy
in his employment; I'm trying to pursuade people that my retirement is
overdue. The best thing therefore, I think, is to aggregate you
changes and give us a revised stemmer for Spanish where accents are
optional. We'd be happy to put it on the snowball site. Whether you
extend the current stemmer to include endings with accents and without
accents, or just write a stemmer Spanish without accents, I leave to
you, but I think the latter is a much cleaner solution if it can be
done that way.

Does that sound okay to you?


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