[Snowball-discuss] Words' list relating to word containing wildcard *, ?, #

eric leroy eric.leroy.mail at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 09:15:54 GMT 2020

Hi everybody,
I'm new here !
Here's my topic, and thank you all for your help and advice.As said in the
subject, I'd like to obtain a words' list relating to words containing
wildcard *, ?, #.
The reason is that I’m trying to migrate a dictionary from a platform that
allowed me using wildcard *, ?, # associates with part of words (as a
single entry in my dictionary or in word sequences) to another platform
that doesn’t take into account such characters and force me to create a
single line for each declination. Using a snowball « * » allowed me in my
present dictionary, to capture all part of texts relating to these
variations (pluriel, gender, grammatical declinaison, etc.).

While the following word pattern: *SUPPORT* will also substitute all words
with the substring "SUPPORT" in it, such as UNSUPPORTEDLY, UNSUPPORTED, etc.
An expression that includes several words may also be substituted by
joining the various words with underline characters. For example, the
expression "going out"  GO*_OUT.

But my needs go beyond the snowball as wildcards such as  *,  ?, # are
supported in my dictionary:  « ? » to replace any character in a word, « #
» to replace any number, etc.

Therefore, I need to migrate my actual dictionary (French words) that
contains thousands of rows with ITEMS containing wildcards:  is there a
solution that could allow me to give, for each such word, all the
corresponding words?

Thanks a lot for your suggestions,

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