[Snowball-discuss] West Iberian queries

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Sun Nov 8 06:35:29 GMT 2020

On Fri, Nov 06, 2020 at 03:13:06AM -0500, Support - Catawiki wrote:
> Dear Olly, 
> Thank you for your email. 

Apologies for this junk reply.

It seems we've had a minor subscription attack against the list (I suspect
that described at https://anarc.at/blog/2020-09-21-mailman-psa/).

James (who kindly hosts this list) addressed this issue on the list host
a month or two ago, but the snowball list has been quiet since and I
hadn't spotted it had presumably suffered this attack before the fix.

This seems to have resulted in a few auto-replying addresses (such as
the one which replied here) getting subscribed, and we seem to have also
picked up some addresses which auto-reply directly to posters with
actual spam.  I've removed all those which replied to me due to my
recent post, and also did a pass over the subscriber list and
unsubscribed a few addresses which I was pretty certain weren't genuine
subscribers.  If I removed genuine anyone in error, apologies - please
do resubscribe.

I considered moderating list postings and/or subscription requests,
but doing so would also adversely affect genuine subscribers so for now
I've just enabled notifications of new subscriptions to the list admin
(currently me).  I'll keep a close eye on things, but if you get
junk or spam replies in response to list postings feel free to forward
to me and I'll attempt to identify and unsubscribe the culprit address.


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