[Snowball-discuss] Support for the Dart programming language

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Fri Sep 8 00:23:23 BST 2023

Just under two years ago we had a submission of a patch to add support
for the Dart programming language:


The patch needed some more work before we can merge it (details in
the discussion at the link above) but the submitter hasn't responded
to any of the review comments, and some of them really need someone
familiar with Dart, which I am not at all.

In this sort of situation keeping the ticket open forever doesn't seem
useful, so I'm closing it as incomplete.  However I thought it worth
emailing this list in case there's someone reading who is interested in
Dart support as probably the majority of the work has already been

For some background on the Dart language see:



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