simon-git: putty (main): Simon Tatham

Commits to Tartarus hosted VCS tartarus-commits at
Sun Sep 12 11:59:26 BST 2021

  346a7548 New Seat method, notify_session_started().

On the web:
Branch updated: main
Committer:      Simon Tatham <anakin at>
Date:           2021-09-12 11:59:26

commit 346a7548e2ba2739f0cc5a2c9ec092186735fa57
web diff;a=commitdiff;h=346a7548e2ba2739f0cc5a2c9ec092186735fa57;hp=c3366435765afcfcef30cff8b65da4dcf36c2bd7
Author: Simon Tatham <anakin at>
Date:   Sun Sep 12 11:48:42 2021 +0100

    New Seat method, notify_session_started().
    This is called by the backend to notify the Seat that the connection
    has progressed to the point where the main session channel (i.e. the
    thing that would typically correspond to the client's stdin/stdout)
    has been successfully set up.
    The only Seat that implements this method nontrivially is the one in
    SshProxy, which uses it as an indication that the proxied connection
    to the remote host has succeeded, and sends the
    PLUGLOG_CONNECT_SUCCESS notification to its own Plug.
    Hence, the only backends that need to implement it at the moment are
    the two SSH-shaped backends (SSH proper and bare-connection / psusan).
    For other backends, it's not always obvious what 'main session
    channel' would even mean, or whether it means anything very useful; so
    I've also introduced a backend flag indicating whether the backend is
    expecting to call that method at all, so as not to have to spend
    pointless effort on defining an arbitrary meaning for it in other
    So a lot of this patch is just introducing the new method and putting
    its trivial do-nothing implementation into all the existing Seat
    methods. The interesting parts happen in ssh/mainchan.c (which
    actually calls it), and sshproxy.c (which does something useful in

 pscp.c           |  1 +
 psftp.c          |  1 +
 putty.h          | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 ssh/mainchan.c   |  1 +
 ssh/server.c     |  1 +
 ssh/sesschan.c   |  1 +
 ssh/ssh.c        |  4 ++--
 sshproxy.c       | 17 +++++++++++++++++
 unix/plink.c     |  1 +
 unix/window.c    |  1 +
 utils/nullseat.c |  1 +
 windows/plink.c  |  1 +
 windows/window.c |  1 +
 13 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

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